I haven't had this much time on my hands ever...I can't remember a time when I wasn't chaotically busy or didn't have anything to do for longer than a day. Now, I am searching for things to do to fill up my day. Jonathan has been in an accounting waiver class all week from 8-4. I have found at least 1 thing to do, not including swimming everyday, until today. Cleaning, visiting with friends, having the RS presidency visit, seeing my midwife. Today there isn't anything planned...and so the search begins. I am going to go see if I can get a library card and try and apply to ASHA. The American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association.
I know I should enjoy this time before the baby comes, however, I would rather he just come so I can be busy. I am used to being busy and being overwhelmed with things to do.
Sounds like those are definitely some good things to get done, before he arrives. Once he is here, there will be days where you'll feel like you don't have time to pee, eat or shower... and those are some basics that should be taken care of!
sounds relaxing just what a little prego should do
Abs :) hmmm, not sure what to say - lots of mixed emotions ;)I am so happy and excited for you and Jonathan!! What fun parents you two will be so soon. The little guy is almost here huh? I'd love to see pictures of the nursery, I bet it is really cute, especially with Emily's expertise. I really should call you, we always talk about it, I'm thinking about you and hope the next 10 or so days are as comfortable as possible for you. love you!!
i didn't say that it was roxy who consistently steals me identity when posting comments. i think you should just sit on your butt and eat bon bons. that is what most dudes would do at this point.
Love ya Gimpy
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