Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thrusting forward

Above: Isaac still doesn't quite know what to do with his mesh bag of food. The top picture is his classic first reaction whenever he eats something.

Below: Isaac was skyping with Aunt Eliza and trying to reach forward towards the laptop. It is a good motivator to get him crawling I think. Here is the gradual progression of his attempts. He got closer and closer each time.

Toy Attack

We still don't understand where his crazed behavior is coming from. He does this every time this toy gets near him...hilarious!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2 weeks

2 weeks without posting any pictures or videos of my little man. I guess you will just have to wait a little longer...

Current stats:
Weight 20.5 (didn't even gain a pound in two months)
Height 29"

Sitting up without assistance.
Reaching for everything.
Puts weight on his arms during tummy time.
Inches his butt up like a worm during tummy time.
Babbling ...he is a chatter

Not sleeping through the night
Not rolling over
Not liking his baby food