Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby /Diter/!

Isaac is going to have a baby sister in February! We found out the gender a couple weeks ago. I was so excited that I went and bought something pink the very same day. Isaac's closet is slowly filling up with Pink. I always get something on sale and there have been a few people who have generously donated clothes and blankets. I think we will be okay. If nothing else, she will look good in blue...

I can't get my scanner to work, I wanted to post a picture of our other little bean. Not many people know this, but we had a traumatic miscarriage from March to April of this year. We found out at 11 weeks. I have a sweet Ultra Sound picture of our little one that I have been meaning to post. I love looking at it and remembering the love I had for him/her. It has been a long year of being pregnant, but so worth it. While my second pregnancy was very sad, I learned a lot from it. I emotionally/mentally healed from Isaac's crazy birth experience. (Which I didn't realize I needed to do) I can relate to others who have dealt with this type of disappointing loss and I cannot even fathom the idea of having a new born right now. His/Her due date was September 24, 2010 and being in the throws of Jonathan's recruiting/job application process, I can see how this would have been an additional strain on him and our family at this time.

How grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know I will see my sweet little one again someday. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. While we may be going through trials, he will help us bear our burdens and can see the end from the beginning.

We have been blessed to be able to have another baby so soon after a loss. I love this sweet baby with all of my heart. I can't wait to meet her!


Deanna said...

Congrats Dunfords! Having one of each is so fun.

Lauren and Travis McDougal said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for you guys!

Erin said...

congrats!!! so happy for you guys!!!!!!

theminerfamily said...

It was so great to talk to you today! I am so happy for you guys and wish you the best now and always. Thanks for putting your heartfelt thoughts out there about the miscarriage, what a great perspective you have. Love ya lots!

Andrea said...

I'm so excited for you!!! I loved your post!

roxann said...

Your amazing! I can't wait to meet little girly dunford!

M'lisa and Mark said...

Congrats!!! That is wonderful news! I don't know if I am just emotional or what, but my heart broke about your other lil' one. I can't imagine what it is like, but how special it will be to meet them on the other side. I'm so glad things are going well now, I love you tons and pray for your continued strength.

Nathan and Lisa said...

Abby! I haven't read your blog in a while and was so excited to hear you are expecting!! Little girls are so fun! You will love it! :)

Nathan and Lisa said...

Abby! I hadn't read your blog in a while and was so excited to read that you are expecting!! Congrats! Little girls are so fun! :)