Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I found a really great website for infant computer games. It could be considered educational as it assists them in learning cause and affect. Plus I like being able to control what he is doing on the computer. Banging the keyboard now serves a purpose. Try it out.



Brooke said...

This is the greatest website ever! Seriously changed my life. Thanks for sharing! There is something about babies and computers. Ryan will do anything he possibly can to get to our laptop when it is open. Must. touch. the. keys.

Emily said...

He's a computer...maniac, maniac on the floor. and he's typing like he never has before!

M'lisa and Mark said...

Yay! This site is awesome!! she loves it!! Thankyou soo much!!

Krystin said...

Thanks for sharing this!!! Now there is something productive to do when Aiden wants to play with the computer!