Sunday, May 17, 2009

Food Frenzy

Isaac is starting to get serious with his food now. He actually eats it and doesn't blow at the spoon. I gave him cheerios yesterday, hesitantly of course. Everything the books say and other people say make me nervous. I never know if I am doing anything right. Especially, since I am not home to give him a schedule. Anyway, I was researching when you can give a baby cheerios and came upon an article called, Debunking Baby Food Myths. ( I can't get it to link...)

I just need to relax and not worry so much about following the rules. I am going to make smart choices and go buy some Hummus for him. I LOVE hummus!

Any thoughts?


Katie Abernethy said...

Yay Isaac-good job bud!

Heindogs said...

Thanks for sharing that article! It makes a lot of sense really!

Phil and roxy said...

YEAH abby i'm so proud of you!! Go for it!

Marian said...

Abby, didn't you get the instruction manual that came with Isaac? Ours showed up the minute I had Alden--a stork just dropped it in Justus's lap. That's why I haven't stressed or cried once in the past two weeks!

Danielle Hall said...

I'd be just as worried as you!!! As for hummus.... I got the easiest recipe last weekend at a work retreat!!!! Want it?

LeAnne Ballard said...

Another reason I love love hummus. Yum hummus...teach him early about the good things in life.

Ohhh...I think there is some down in the fridge. :)

M'lisa and Mark said...

That article helps put my mind at ease!! Thankyou so much!!! Perfect timing!