Thursday, February 26, 2009


Katie and I went shopping and found pajama's for Hunter that matched Isaac's. A couple days later they were both wearing them and she took a photo shoot of them. Aren't they adorable!! Last week when I went over to their house, Isaac got really excited when he saw Hunter. I wonder what the reaction will be after these two weeks are over. Cute boys.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eight Days with Isaac

Tonight Isaac showed interest in water. He has been having a bath every night for the past two weeks. It has always been in his plastic tub. At first it made him nervous. Now that he is sitting up on his he gets into curiosity mode. Tonight, as he was sitting in his plastic tub about a foot and a half from the faucet he started reaching and staring at the water. I decided to graduate him from his plastic tub...

Grandpa Jones came down on his day off with Grandma. He hung out with Isaac. Sorry Em. There aren't any funny videos. I did tape some but dad wasn't in a silly mood.
We went to visit Hayden and Andrea Hooper on Wednesday. We went to a place called MyUrbanToddler. It is a store/play land. There was a lot of things for kids to do. A library, kitchen, theatre, art room, firehouse, and lots of toys. In the middle there was a little infant area. I put Isaac in there to play and practice his sitting skills. There were little soft plastic cars that would move when you pulled them back. He loved them!! I need to find them somewhere for him. Hayden is about a year older than Isaac. He is adorable. It is hard to imagine Isaac will be like him in a year.

I was determined to use my gDiapers on my week off. I used cloth for about 5 days. It was relatively simple. I am encouraged to do it more often. He didn't have any blowouts onto his clothes while wearing them. Not to mention he is absolutely adorable!!!
These are just a few highlights of my week off!! I loved being home with Isaac. I can't wait for the summer!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Jumperoo Addendum

My sisters were not satisfied with a video of Isaac's "one leg." Hopefully, this will appease their Isaac cravings.

Sorry that it is sideways... I am sure you can adjust your monitors.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Jumperoo

My co-worker, Trish, offered to give Isaac her sons old Rainforest Jumperoo since he had grown out of it. I was so excited, especially since Isaac would already jump up and down when he was excited. I knew he would love it. Well, she brought it in to work on Friday and I set it up myself that afternoon.

This video is the morning after he got it. I put him in and started doing stuff around the house. I thought he looked really tall but didn't think anything of it. Then after awhile I noticed he only had one foot out. You never would have known the way he continued to jump up and down with full force. He is really strong.

Then later on that day, he was in the Jumperoo making all sorts of racket. Jonathan and I were sitting on the couch right in front of him doing other things. Then all of a sudden we noticed that it was really quiet. We looked over to find our son fast asleep.

Sunday, February 15, 2009 we come!

Jonathan was accepted as a summer intern at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. He will be working on projects with the "c-suite" and his direct mentor is the CEO. They flew him out to Omaha last weekend for an all day interview. Jonathan spent the day before at the zoo and eating a genuine Omaha steak. It was his first official business trip and he was really excited. We will be living in Omaha this summer. Unfortunately, we will have to be apart for 6 weeks of it, since I will be in Michigan finishing off the school year until mid-June.

The zoo looks like a lot of fun. Maybe Isaac and I will have to get a season pass or something. Another great thing about going to Omaha is that my Great-grandma Wilcox and my dad's uncle live there. We will be able to spend some quality time with them and become better acquainted.