In July Jonathan and I ran a half marathon together. I ran throughout my first trimester and ran this race when I was 11 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately, for Jonathan, that meant that he had to run REALLY slow. I was paranoid about my heart rate and had to run about 12 minute miles. It was really great to be together though and came in handy when it was pitch black and we were trying to finish. I should post about how awful the race was organizationally...not to mention that we were offered cold beer at the end. After this race I stopped training. I ran for a couple weeks with Isaac but then I stopped.
After a month or so I looked into getting a pass at the community rec center. They have a really nice facility and it is a couple minutes from my house. I started swimming and could only go for 10-15 minutes tops! I felt pathetic but it was so refreshing! I have become obsessed with it and go at least twice a week. Early in the morning or right after we put Isaac to bed I run out the door to go swim. I have never really done lap swimming before and I have fallen in love with it. I can now go over 30 minutes if a want to. I love the smell of the water and feeling bouyant. I am getting bigger now, and am in the third trimester. I hope to continue swimming up to the end of my pregnancy. It is so calming. I love having the desire to get to the pool!